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CRNA Personal Statement Sample, Korean American, Captain

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

Nursing Statement of Purpose Samples
Military Nurse Personal Stateent Writing and Editing Service

One of the most significant benefits of being a professional nurse is the gratification that comes from easing the suffering of others. I have focused on anesthesia because I want to devote the balance of my professional life to this cause. I am a US Army Captain, and serving my country is my priority. I began serving as an Army Nurse, BAMC, in Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, in 2007 and remained for three years until relocating to Hawaii, where I currently serve as a Clinical Staff Nurse, PACU, Army Nurse TMC.

At 52, I am very much a Non-traditional applicant. Nevertheless, even though I got started later in life, having a thorough understanding of the nursing profession will enable and inspire me to make significant contributions to group discussions, fostering inclusiveness in group discussions of age-related issues in health. By combining this dream with my enormous respect for the US Military, I decided to apply to your program, my first choice for further study.

Nursing Statement of Purpose Samples
Military Nurse Personal Statement Samples

I earned my undergraduate degree in Nursing from XXXX University School of Nursing in 2006. Then I earned a master's degree in chemistry with an emphasis on biochemistry from XXXX University, graduating in 2001 with a 3.8 GPA. Many qualities go into making a successful nurse. I have at least most of them, and I am a very caring and compassionate person with an intense and omnipresent desire to help others. It seems most natural for me to feel and show empathy toward a patient and the patient’s family, showing compassion for those in pain, both physical and emotional. I have a positive, caring nature and a desire to provide for those in need. One of the most significant benefits of being a professional nurse is the gratification that comes from easing the suffering of others. I hope my extensive education and professional experiences will be deemed worthy and allow me to fulfill my dream of becoming a CRNA.

Nursing Statement of Purpose Samples
Military Nurse CRNA Personal Statement Examples

My entire family immigrated to America from Korea in 1988. The first job I found was at a dry cleaner called the Iron Door Company, working as a helper. Since my youth, I have had heavy family responsibilities, first, caring for my two younger brothers and sister and later having my own family. In 2000, my father became terminally ill with cancer and could not manage the family business. He needed constant care, and it was up to me. I kept the entire family going, even after my father’s death, even to the point of my own emotional and physical depletion. After he died, I accepted a position as a research technician at the Biochemistry and Bio Physics Department at Washington University Medical School.

I crave the intense professionalism of the Army’s CRNA program. I am incredibly excited about the possibility of building further career advancement through the performance of the specialized duties needed to care for critically ill or wounded patients requiring general or regional anesthesia: respiratory care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and fluid therapy, as well as general skills in surgical, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. I thank you for considering my application to your program.

CRNA Personal Statement Sample

Fifty-two is incredibly old for a CRNA applicant. Very few people this age are selected. In his case, however, he is applying for the US Army's CRNA program, and he has spent most of his working life with the military. The military is his culture, community, and he knows it well, all the special needs, challenges, etc. of military life. This applicant wants to serve his community, many even use the expression 'military family'. Given this specialized context, Nurse Anesthesia specifically for the US Army, this applicant will be able to excel at 52, because he is still in his comfort zone and allowed to focus full time on his studies. US Army CRNA school does accept some applicants that age. Another way of saying this is that the Army is committed to diversity, in terms of age as well as ethnicity, they are inclusive, and want at least some older people in their classes. This is especially true in the military community.


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